Effortless Note-Taking for Your Digital Workspace.

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SideNotes is designed to streamline your workflow by providing a quick and easily accessible note-taking app that lives on the side of your screen. Whether you need to jot down tasks, inspirations, or code snippets, SideNotes appears with a simple gesture, keeping your desktop uncluttered and your ideas organized. It's particularly useful for designers, developers, students, and writers, offering features tailored to each group's needs. With SideNotes, you can save colors, pictures, links, and more alongside your text notes. The app supports Markdown for text formatting and integrates with iCloud for seamless synchronization across devices. It's a native macOS app, optimized for both Intel and M1 chips, and now available for iOS/iPadOS, ensuring your notes are always with you​.

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  • Mac version: One-time payment, with the price and additional details available on Apptorium's website. iOS/iPadOS version: Sold separately for half the price of the macOS version at $9.99 USD, which includes both iOS and iPadOS apps​
