The simplest way to keep notes

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Simplenote is a streamlined note-taking app designed for simplicity and efficiency. It allows you to take notes, create to-do lists, capture ideas, and more, with all your content staying synced across all your devices in real-time. Its minimalist interface ensures a distraction-free writing environment, supporting Markdown for formatting, which appeals to developers and writers looking for clean, straightforward note-taking solutions. Simplenote is renowned for its ease of use, with features like tag-based organization, instant searching, and note sharing capabilities, including a unique "publish to web" function for sharing notes online in a view-only format​​​​​​.

Simplenote Review 2024

Simplenote is a minimalist, straightforward note-taking app highly regarded for its ease of use and basic functionality, catering primarily to users who prefer simplicity over complex features.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Simplenote works across iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and MacOS, offering a seamless experience on nearly any device.
  • Markdown Support: Users can format notes using Markdown, which simplifies styling and organizing content.
  • Syncing and Sharing: Notes sync across all devices and can be shared easily with others, which is useful for collaboration or transferring ideas between platforms.
  • Interface: The interface is clean and distraction-free, focusing solely on note-taking without additional complexities like images or video attachments.

User Experience

Simplenote's user interface is streamlined and intuitive, making it easy for new users to get started without a learning curve. The app supports offline access, allowing users to view and edit notes without an internet connection, with changes syncing once connectivity is restored.

Customization and Usability

While Simplenote allows some customization of themes and display settings, it remains intentionally limited to maintain its simplistic approach. It includes features like tagging for organization and a search function to quickly find notes.

Security and Privacy

Although Simplenote provides basic security features, it lacks more robust security measures like end-to-end encryption, which could be a concern for users needing to store sensitive information.


Simplenote is completely free. It was formerly offered with a premium option, but now all features are available at no cost, and there are no advertisements, maintaining a clean interface.


The main criticism of Simplenote arises from its simplicity. It lacks features commonly found in other note-taking apps, such as folder organization, multimedia attachments, and advanced formatting tools. This makes it less suitable for users who require extensive note-management features.

Overall Assessment

Simplenote is ideal for users looking for a simple, effective tool for basic note-taking without the frills of more complex applications. It's particularly well-suited to writers, students, and professionals who need a reliable platform for quickly capturing and accessing text-based information. However, those needing more sophisticated organizational tools or higher security for sensitive information might find it lacking.

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Simplenote details


  • Simplenote is completely free for all users, offering all its features without any premium plans. This includes unlimited storage, which is particularly notable because Simplenote focuses on plain text notes, meaning storage space is efficiently used. Simplenote sustains its operations through voluntary contributions under the Simplenote Sustainer Plans, emphasizing its commitment to keeping the app free and devoid of ads for a clean user experience​​.
