Google Slides
Collaborative, Connected, and Creative Presentations.

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Google Slides is a dynamic presentation tool that is part of the Google Workspace suite, designed to enable both individuals and teams to create, edit, and collaborate on presentations seamlessly. It offers real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on a single presentation simultaneously. Users can observe and track changes character-by-character, ensuring an up-to-date and cohesive final product. The platform provides a range of exporting options, including HTML, JPG, and PDF formats, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

One of the distinguishing features of Google Slides is the 'Explore' functionality, which leverages machine learning to generate design suggestions, optimizing the aesthetic appeal of your presentations. Additionally, the platform introduced 'action items' in 2016, enhancing task assignment and accountability within teams. Offline editing is supported through a Chrome extension for desktop and natively within the Android and iOS apps, ensuring productivity even without internet access.

Google Slides supports a wide range of file formats, ensuring compatibility and ease of integration with various other platforms and tools. As part of the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), it offers additional business-centric features for subscribers, enhancing the utility and performance of the tool in corporate settings​​​​.

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  • Google Slides is free to use, with additional features available for Google Workspace subscribers.
