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Harvest is a multifaceted tool that offers a straightforward approach to time tracking, ensuring your team can easily capture work hours across various devices. It's highly intuitive, which encourages daily use without the need for extensive training. The software is integrated with over 50 business tools, ensuring a seamless operation with your team’s favorite apps. In addition to time tracking, Harvest provides in-depth reporting and analysis features, giving you crucial insights into your projects and teams. It also automates invoice creation and enables fast online payments, streamlining your billing process.

Notably, Harvest is adopted by a wide array of industries, from advertising and marketing to software development, highlighting its versatility. The software emphasizes building time tracking habits through custom reminders and notifications, and it simplifies time entry by syncing with your calendar. Also, its invoicing and payment features are designed to convert tracked time and expenses into invoices quickly, with integrations like PayPal and Stripe for convenient online payments.

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  • Freemium with premium upgrades
